Thursday, August 10, 2006

An emo composition written in class

Let your waves come and crash down on me,
and maybe in the foams and seasprays i'll die..
Dont leave me stranded in the blueness of this sea,
it'll make me so sad i'd be too ready to cry..
but what are tears before this ocean?
What is one person's sorrows compared to this world's?
Just drifting, clinging on, to your floating device..
waiting for someone who would be ever so nice..
to fish you out from your sorry state
hopefully your still thriving then, your saviour wont be too late..
the churning of the water's drowning out your "to no avail" weeps
looks like this misery is for yours to keep
Mouthfuls of air as you struggle in a passing ship's backwash,
so much for your distress sign..
hands been soaked for hours now,
tattoed into those palms, wrinkled lines..
will it be?
the dreaded R.I.P?
In destination unknown endless sea?
those teeth of the world out there are really sharp
you'll create a blood fountain if you strum across them like a harp..
will you just try and not end up as shark feed,
surving's not a want, its a need

went crazii; at

7:17 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006


So i may not be up to your precise expectations,
Neither handsome nor tall and perhaps a tad too dark,
A surplus of rowdiness and rebellion,
which way exceeds your mark..
i bare my fangs of disobedience
when cornered by opressive strings of derogatory words from above,
to stand firm and be concrete you say,
instead of always prostrating to serve...
your occasional commentary somewhat resembles a jackpot
a tint of exuberance could lead to a sea of distraught..
despite all that is lacking here is my resolve
i'll do what it requires even if it means to evolve
its time to disperse these infantile dreams,
but this sole surviving glimmer i'll protect with pronunced vigour,
enusre it wont come crashing down like meteor streams
For this is something priceless, too valuable to place a figure

went crazii; at

11:56 PM

HeRE i am my words are blood red

and here's what came out of my crazy little head

well if only words were enough to say

all thats inside me that i wanna express

here;s what words CAN potray

read and you'll know the rest

Jonas Ho
shotgun seventeen

I can't go back
*Read the old 1s i think they are nicer*


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Somethings . ARE . Better . Left . Said

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